I'm a teenager, I'm a college student, I found love online.... I'm just your average girl.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
There are times when I feel so incredibly lost...
...I just don't know what to do.
All I have is art... all I've ever done is art...
and I've been dreaming for the longest time.
But today I woke up. I seriously thought about it and my dream job is literally, one of the hardest to even think about getting. For a long time I've wanted to work at Disney as a character designer or an animator or something. Today I came to terms that I could not possibly meet all of their standards. I'm not a super fantastic artist like so many other people. They have tons of options to choose from how could I ever catch their eye.
I'm transferring next semester and I haven't got any clue as to what I want to do with my life. I'm going to be a sophomore in college... and I don't know what I want to do. I'm usually the optimistic person in these situations, but lately, I just can't be. I'm so lost. Everyone around me knows where they are going in their future and I am the only one left who hasn't a single clue. I'm so scared that I'll never find the job that makes me happy. Sure I'd love to be a stay at home mom, but until that day comes I'd rather be able to provide for myself and significant other if that is the case. What if I can't?
I am clueless.
I am lost.
I am scared.
I'm just your average girl.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Hello World! It has been quite a while!
Wow I haven't been keeping up with this blog like I said I was. Woops. Ah, well, time for some updates! This is gonna look like a really long post but there are lots of pictures!
Alright so Spring Break was pretty chill. Walker came down to visit for the week and we ran around doing and seeing some cool things like going to NASA and hanging out at the beach. (It was still WAY too cold to even touch the water)
Our first day together we didn't really know what to do. This is us brainstorming.
We visited my dad's offices. He teaches Offshore Safety Management for people that work on oil rigs and stuff. He has simulators and he had to fix a mouse because it was spazzing out. Needless to say Walker and I enjoyed pressing all the buttons on the simulators and the sound board to make sound effects in the room. Lots of buttons to press that make noises and flash. It was highly entertaining for the both of us... even though I tend to do it frequently.
I don't remember what day it was, but I had been wanting to go to our park and throw the softball around for a while. Walker and I decided to do that for a little while and then walk one of the bike/running trails. We kept seeing small trails that went off the main path and decided to follow one back into the woods until we happened upon this little sight. There was another little hut type thing off to the left of this one and a wheel barrow with some trash or something in it. I was instantly creeped out and was ready to get out of there. I don't know if someone built these to creep people out on purpose or if someone actually lived in them but we didn't stay long.

The first time he was down here we didn't make it to NASA Johnson Space Center so I made sure we did this time! I'm a big Space nerd and he's into science so this place was perfect for the both of us! We walked around, saw a video and went on a couple of tours before heading down to the beach. At the beach, we laid out for a while before it got too cold, had some snacks and enjoyed the sun while it was still up. We sculpted a few things in the sand leaving Whinnie the Pooh behind.
We had a busy day the next day. I told him we would go to the shooting range, so we did. We shot at a few different targets with my .22 Henry Rifle for a while, my dad had his new gun he was figuring out and one of the guys from the fire station brought along his new pistol. Walk complained a little about my sights but they work for me so... oh well. He didn't do too bad though! He kept shooting a little high but he got the hang of it.
I always talk about College Station. I love it there and I can't wait to be there myself. A&M has always been so much fun to me. After a few discussions with my parents and myself, Walker had become interested in seeing the campus for himself! My dad and I gave him a small tour of A&M showing him the main buildings that he'd be interested in such as the math buildings, engineering, those types of things. I told him about many traditions and my dad had some neat stories about what he experienced when he went to school there to go with the explanation of the traditions. Many of the buildings weren't around when my dad was there so he was able to give us kind of a look back on the old A&M. We also attended an Aggie Softball game. One of my favorite activities. We attended the first SEC game of the Softball season and we were able to sit behind the "Sugar Daddies". These guys are an absolute riot. They constantly heckle during the game and try to distract the other team by yelling at them asking where they got their bows, or if they didn't have one, where it was. I recommend going to an A&M Softball game when you get the chance. You won't be bored.
Well, all good things must come to an end sometime.. Spring break ended and saying good bye was tough. But it's not the last time we will see each other. In fact summer is coming up and we already have our plans!
I've been finding myself struggling more and more in school and in college it had only become worse. I have always had a hard time with focus while reading and comprehending what I just read. If I tried to read I would almost instantly become distracted or I would reread the same sentence or paragraph over and over and just not get anywhere with it. I was recently placed on some ADD medicine and from what I can tell, it's been working. All of my grades have gone up a significant amount and I'm extremely proud of myself because I can actually finish things now. School still isn't a breeze for me, but it has made it a hell of a lot easier to deal with assignments and completing my work.
There is a motorcycle that literally never moves in front of our dorm. It is ALWAYS taking up one of the best spots for our dorm and makes everyone angry because there ARE spots designated for motorcycles right around the corner from the door. Upon my return from spring break this is what that motorcycle looked like. I'd like to applaud the person who had the guts to do this. They need an award or something. Everyone loves you now whoever you may be.
I went home for Easter weekend. We were getting ready to go to a crawfish boil when my dad took Dot, my dog, out so she could go to the bathroom before we left. He came across this little guy which Dot, being the genius she is, ran RIGHT by him. His back legs were injured and he was just dragging them behind him, using his front legs to inch around on the rock. He was a brave little dude, sitting there, threatening us with his tiny little hiss. We managed to find a small box to put him in and take him to the Texas Wildlife Center where they rehabilitate wild animals to release back into the wild. He was put into good hands. I know opossums are not good friends and carry a bunch of diseases but the babies are so cute and so small.
Lately we've had some crazy weather down here in Galveston. One day it will be absolutely gorgeous and warm outside. Perfect to spend some time at the beach without getting cold. Tanning time!

And then the next day will be winter temperature along with buckets of rain.
It's been going back and forth like this for a couple of weeks now. TIME TO DECIDE AND STICK WITH IT WEATHER. C'MON NOW.
Today! I went on our Biology field trip. My friend asked for a video of what we've been up to so this pretty much explains what we did! Sorry for the awkward close up.
In the net that I mentioned in the video, we ended up catching a bunch of small squid, several fish, a blue crab and some shrimp!
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Yay little squid! |

This is the same little guy in the two pictures above. He was actually really pretty, he had blue and yellow markings along his face and he was shiny in the sun!
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There's our blue crab hanging onto a shrimp. I guess he was hungry! |
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A fish surrounded by some little squids, the squid were really entertaining to watch swim around in the water |
You can kind of see the crab at the bottom and a squid or two swimming around :) |
There was also a boat fire that broke out while we were on the water. We heard them calling over the radio and then we saw the smoke.
I looked it up earlier when I got back to my room and this is the short little article I found. No bad news so far! Except for the ship of course...
Being in Galveston, we see a lot of cruise ships all of the time and today a Disney ship was in the port! pretty neat. They have a giant Goofy hanging off the back of the ship like he is painting.
I'm a teenager.
I'm a college student.
I've been up to a lot of things.
Today has rocked so far.
I'm just your average girl.
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