Monday, January 7, 2013

Cutting for no one.

Through my browsing of facebook I have been seeing disturbing pictures of forearms that have been sliced with blades and oozing blood. These have been a recent trend on twitter for fans of the Biebs. "Cutting for Bieber" is the cause of all of this. Apparently he was photographed smoking a rather large blunt and partying in a hotel room. 

...Okaayy... big deal right? Well I guess so. This prank went a little too far. The whole ordeal occurred because The supposed “fans” posted the upsetting images along with messages pleading with Bieber to stop smoking marijuana. They originated a sick online campaign that led #CutForBieber and #CuttingForBieber to trend on Twitter, circulating shocking images purporting to show fans with slashed wrists, blades and blood.

1. Ew. For some reason pictures of it creep me out more than the real deal. I'm weird I know.

He's a celebrity who has no idea of your existence, and you are cutting yourself for him!?
I'm sorry, I just can't wrap my mind around this situation. Having self-harmmed in the past I kind of know the problems it can cause. BUT THIS. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. You are willingly hurting yourself because of someone who does not know you even live on Earth and then posting PICTURES of it on twitter. I can't help but label it as a HUGE call for attention. I'm sorry. There is something completely wrong with this on both sides. The people who started this are sick in the head and I don't even want to get started on the people who are legitimately cutting themselves because JUSTIN BIEBER of all people was photographed smoking weed. WHO CARES. LET HIM DO WHATEVER HE WANTS. Why are you... I can't  even think of how to talk about the subject for the rest of this blog post.. 

I'm a teenager
I'm  a college student
I'm a former self-harmer
I'm extremely confused

I'm just your average girl.

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