So I was trying to be nice and give this girl the benefit of the doubt. She's not my room mate after all... Let me give you a little history.
After our previous suite mate, who we all got along with really well due to the fact that we bonded during the summer through our SAIL program, left this semester, we were unaware of the situation our room had been put in. We were unsure if we would demote ourselves from the Fantastic 4 to the 3 Musketeers or if we'd have another being in our humble abode of chaos. (PSA: We are not boring to be around when we are all together) No one had been notified by any means, email, phone call, text message, facebook message, nothing. We all half expected to walk into our 4-person dorm room after returning from a wonderful, month long Christmas break with one empty bed.
Chelsy, my hysterically entertaining suite mate who I met during the summer program, was the first to return to our temporary living space. She arrived completely expecting to have a half decorated room. This is not what she walked in to. The other side of the room where our previous room mate had stayed was occupied. Things on the desk, clothes in the closet, television on the stand and bed made. Let me say again, there was NO knowledge of this new person to any one in this dorm room.
Mollie, my crazy room mate, and I met up and had dinner then drove the rest of the way to the campus together. We got there later that evening. Mollie was also in the summer program along with Chelsy and I. We noticed there were still 4 names on our door. What...? Who is this stranger that NO ONE had any idea about!? She clearly was not in the room and neither was Chelsy. Mollie and I unloaded our cars and started unpacking our clothes and things. While we had bags and boxes of stuff scattered around the room as we made it look like home again, the new meat walked in. She didn't say much of anything. A few minutes later she walked in, looking around our room she hesitantly stated that our room was "rather interesting" as if we have super weird stuff hanging around our room. False. That is not the case. We have a lot of posters and our room is epically awesome. Sorry, we like color other than a dull eggshell wall. Later on Chelsy came in and told us a little bit about her. She also enlightened us that she bumped the A/C up to 77 at one point. We were going to have problems if that kept occurring.
She's older than us by a few years. She's quiet for the most part except when she comes and shuts our door because she can barely hear our music. I'm not understating or exaggerating by any means. I don't know what else she does besides sit in the room and read her school books all day. I really think the only reason they picked to room her with Chelsy is that they are both Marine Biology majors.
One night we went into Chelsy's room to say hi to our ex-room mate/ suite mate over Skype. We noticed that she sleeps with a bible beside her bed and a verse written on a whiteboard over her bed. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I guess it was just really unexpected. As I mentioned before, she likes to think our music is too loud and come shut the door even when her door is shut all day. I'm not too sure that she even listens to music.
The entire reason I'm writing this blog is because of what occurred earlier tonight. I've been in my room, lounging around all day, drawing and stuff. Mollie went home for the weekend and Chelsy stayed out last night and had not returned until late. This evening I ended up leaving the door open for a little bit. Not the best idea I guess. Newbie took the chance to just come chill in the room and start questioning me about my life. Normal questions actually, I was alright with answering them. However, I am shy when it comes to new people so my answers were pretty short and concise which might have made me come off as a bit of a bitch. At least I admit to it. She asked the questions you would normally ask when getting to know another college student, you know, what majors, what do you want to do, do you like classes... that kind of stuff. I can talk and draw at the same time. She decided that she wanted to come draw with me. What was I gonna say? "No, you can't come sit in the same room and draw." No. She brought in some paper and started drawing. She asked if I had any colors. Of course my new Prismacolor markers were sitting in the wide open. I wasn't going to allow her to use them because, 1 they are brand new and 2 they are pretty freakin expensive. Keep in mind I had been drawing all day and was getting a bit tired of it. I started checking out the internet, seeing what was up. She watched over my shoulder the whole time questioning each thing I was doing. THAT'S what bugged me. After sharing a couple videos I climbed onto my bed and continued messing around with my computer. She took the time to start messing with the things on my desk and picked up my sketch book. I new she was going to flip through it so I politely asked her not to look through it. She then proceeded to flip through every page and ask me questions about each one. Some of which were kind of uncomfortable to explain. AUGH. The whole experience was rather awkward. I really had to vent about it. Interesting story though right?
I'm a teenager.
I'm a college student.
I'm not sure that I like our new suite mate so far.
I'm just your average girl.
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